It’s Telethon time!

Everyone always asks me what my plans are for Labor Day weekend. And I say, “Same thing I do every year Pinky, the Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon.” Here’s a picture of me from my very first Telethon...Read More »

September 4th, 2009

Why I’ve never been to Dragon*Con…

Years back while searching the internet for conventions I could attend I happened upon the Dragon*Con website. It looked like a lot of fun. It wasn’t specific to just one genre I liked, it included just about all of...Read More »

August 29th, 2008

Am I still awake?

Despite my very best efforts to go to bed early last night I ended up sleeping all of about an hour. Surprisingly I’m still standing. Err…sitting. Besides a slight hallucination early on, the entire morning went smoothly. Haha. I’m...Read More »

August 29th, 2008