DoubleDCoverage #32

I’m back with this week’s installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! When an insane asylum is reborn things are bound to get messy and when heroes team up, asses are bound to get kicked. Reviews for Arkham...Read More »

November 4th, 2009

DoubleDCoverage #24

I’m back with this week’s installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! This week I delve into the many faces of Supergirl. Or lack there of. Reviews for Justice League: Cry for Justice #3 and Supergirl Annual #1...Read More »

September 9th, 2009

DoubleDCoverage #18

I’m back with this week’s installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! Ok, so I’m one day late. Sue me. I was at the San Diego Comic Con last week and while ridiculously fun, it took it’s toll....Read More »

July 30th, 2009

DoubleDCoverage #9

I’m back with this week’s installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! Supergirl pleases this week but Battle for the Cowl makes Jill something, something. (Go crazy!?) Don’t mind if I do! Reviews for Battle for the Cowl...Read More »

May 27th, 2009

DoubleDCoverage #5

I’m back with another installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! Neil Gaiman tells us something we’ve been dying to know – Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader? – and Superwoman is FINALLY unmasked! Did you guess correctly...Read More »

April 29th, 2009