The fastest way to read Harry Potter

Have you really wanted to read J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter book series but just can’t find the time? Well now you can thanks to creator Lucy Knisley’s abridged versions!

Sorcerer’s Stone
You have to click on the images to make them big enough to read but it’s totally worth the extra clicks because they are, as the kids say, hilarious. Knisley posted the first four books as one page illustrations on her livejournal a while ago, just posted the fifth earlier this month and is planning to finish the series. On a side note, I’m totally miffed because she was apparently at MoCCA this year and I didn’t see her! Next time!

Chamber of Secrets

Prisoner of Azkaban

Goblet of Fire

Order of the Phoenix
I didn’t realize, until I noticed I already had a tag on my blog for her, that Knisley did my favorite story in Marvel’s Girl Comics last year.Shop Doc,” featured Doctor Octopus shopping for cereal and it was equally adorable/amusing. You can purchase posters of the first three of Knisley’s Harry Potter translations in her store.
p.s. I love how her color schemes go so well with my blog decor. :)

One Response to “The fastest way to read Harry Potter”

  1. Okie says:

    These are great. Very well done and fun. Thanks for sharing. :)