Spotify Brings Back NeverEnding Story’s Atreyu & Falkor So We Never Give Up


The NeverEnding Story theme song by Limahl was released in 1984, yet it’s still streamed every freakin’ day. We felt like you needed to know that,” Spotify wrote on YouTube. And they hired the original Atreyu and Falkor to tell us. With high production value.

The other day my fiancé mentioned seeing a still ad on music streaming service Spotify that featured “the kid from NeverEnding Story all grown up, with a beard, riding Falkor.” He said it was to promote some 80s playlist and while it sounded awesome I thought, “There’s no way they got the actual actor for that.”

I was wrong.

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Noah Hathaway, who played Atreyu in the 1984 film and veteran voice actor Alan Oppenheimer (Skeletor!!!), who not only voiced Falkor the Luck Dragon but Rockbiter, G’mork, and the Narrator for The NeverEnding Story, were brought back to film a short commercial for Spotify. And it’s freaking amazing.

According to AdWeek, the campaign comes from Wieden + Kennedy, was conceived by the team of William Binder and Jed Heuer, helped along by effects from Method Studios, and was directed by Tim Godsall of Anonymous Content. They also released a seriously cool behind-the-scenes look that shows you just how much went into this brief ad.

“In the case of Neverending Story,” Jackie Jantos, VP-creative and brand strategy at Spotify told them, “It’s a piece of content that is still so admired, but also has so many interesting current and modern memes around it.”

But the most amazing thing about this whole project might be hearing “Falkor” say “please kill me.”


You can check out the 80s playlist on Spotify here.

2 Responses to “Spotify Brings Back NeverEnding Story’s Atreyu & Falkor So We Never Give Up”

  1. That Which Dreams says:

    But they didn’t bring back Artax, because he gave up.