Nerdy News

Happy Memorial Day everyone, it’s time for some Nerdy News! Hang onto your wigs. Alias is making a comeback on ABC. This according to TV gossip columnist Kristin from E! She says a “reliable source” at the network told...Read More »

May 31st, 2010

Too soon for Lost mania?

Never. The sixth and final season of the hit show begins February 2nd on ABC. Will Lost go down in history as one of the greatest shows on television or will it crash and burn like Oceanic Flight 815?...Read More »

December 28th, 2009

Star Trek Beams Green

“Don’t tell me they don’t use money in the 23rd century.” Well no, they don’t, but here in the 21st century Star Trek fans have earned J.J. Abrams new film $72.5 million. To my surprise, Star Trek did not...Read More »

May 11th, 2009

Fox Friday Verdict

Fox practically bashed us over the head with their new Friday line-up – Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse. They even went so far as to create Grindhouse-style trailers and have stars Summer Glau and Eliza...Read More »

February 16th, 2009