Comic Review – MYTHOI Book I: Birth

When you pick up a book with completely unfamiliar characters, read it straight through without stopping and put it down wanting to know more about everyone and everything involved, I think it’s safe to say you’ve got a winner....Read More »

August 30th, 2010

DoubleDCoverage #65

I’m back with this week’s installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! What will Power Girl do without Gray, Palmiotti and Conner? Get some bling apparently. What’s Green Arrow doing in his new star forest? Absolutely nothing. Reviews/recaps...Read More »

June 30th, 2010

DoubleDCoverage #64

I’m back with this week’s installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! Mysterious characters appear in Brightest Day and Harley Quinn takes on the world for her Puddin’. Reviews/recaps for Brightest Day #4 and The Joker’s Asylum: Harley...Read More »

June 24th, 2010