I’ve joined the Clone Wars.

Though I’m a Trekkie, I very much love Star Wars. So when I was invited to a screening of three new episodes from Star Wars: The Clone Wars in NYC I absolutely said yes even though I’d never seen...Read More »

December 10th, 2010


What squishes softly and carries a big lightsaber? A Build-A-Bear Jedi of course! In case you were holding off buying yourself one of those adorable little bears you always walk by in the mall (*cough*) now’s the time because...Read More »

September 17th, 2010

I recognized your foul stench.

Last Friday I brought you a TARDIS closet. Today I bring you some things to put in that closet. Like Princess Leia sneakers. Slave Leia cosplayers lives just got a whole lot more comfortable. Oh come on, it’s not...Read More »

March 12th, 2010

Wizard World Philly In Pictures

I hadn’t originally planned on attending Wizard World Philly. Then I remembered, I’m too poor to go to the San Diego Comic Con, so why not? I had everything set to go when I realized, I didn’t have anyone...Read More »

June 3rd, 2008