Another Jonah Hex film already?
Jill Pantozzi | May 27th, 2010
I think it’s silly when Hollywood gets ahead of themselves by starting work on a sequel to a film that hasn’t even been released yet but in this case I don’t mind. Why? Because this isn’t a sequel. Warner Bros. is bringing us Jonah Hex – animated.
The animated short, Jonah Hex, is the next DC Showcase from Warner Bros. Animation. It will appear on the Special Edition Blu-Ray and 2-Disc Special Edition DVD releases of Batman: Under the Red Hood coming out July 27 and these are the very first images to be seen! You may remember that Spectre was the last DC Showcase short, available on the Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (which I reviewed) DVDs.

Written by
Batman: The Animated Series writer Joe Lansdale,
Jonah Hex features the voice talents of Thomas Jane, Linda Hamilton, Michelle Trachtenberg and Michael Rooker. Here’s what we can expect to see in the short:
In the DC Showcase story, the tough-as-nails bounty hunter Jonah Hex always gets his man – until someone else gets to him first – in this case a murderous madam who wants to steal more than just her bounty from Jonah Hex.
The short, like Under the Red Hood, will be rated PG-13. The Jonah Hex live-action film is set to be released next month. It will be interesting to see how it’s success or failure effects the animated version. I think it’s very cool that Thomas Jane is finally getting to play Jonah Hex. I heard he pushed really hard to be cast in the live-action role but of course they eventually went with Josh Brolin.
Which are you more excited for, live-action or animated? Were you picking up Under the Red Hood anyway or has the inclusion of the Jonah Hex short sold you?
I have a feeling that the animated short will be better than the movie, sad to say.
Honestly, I am not the biggest Jonah Hex fan in the world, but I am looking forward to watching this animated short. Mainly because the previous Spectre short on the JUSTICE LEAGUE DVD was so amazing. I hope the quality of this one matches up.
Joe Lansdale also wrote two Jonah Hex mini-series for Vertigo. He's no stranger to the world of Hex.
DEFINITELY more excited about this than the live-action film. I trust the writing and cast more and I'm guessing they won't give Jonah funky powers. Besides, Tom Jane SHOULD have been Jonah Hex, especially when he displayed his love of the character by getting all done up in scarred make-up just so he could send in a photo.
I think I'll still go for it. The DC animated movies have been great so far (exept maybe Batman: Gotham Knight, I REALLY didn't like the animation).
Also is it just me or is Josh Brolin turning into Nick Nolte as he gets older?