Ben Affleck “Leaks” Possible Justice League Footage of Deathstroke


Ben Affleck annoyed geek journalists this morning by posting a “leaked” bit of footage featuring DC Comics Deathstroke on Twitter. Is he in the Justice League film? Is this early work on the next Batman solo outing?

Ok, it wasn’t so early here on the East coast but it’s still a Monday morning. Have you no decency, sir? And think about the poor folks on the West coast! Anyway. Here that is.

The Affleck-led Batman solo film doesn’t even have a release date yet which is why I’m leaning toward this on-set footage being from Justice League. We’ve known for a while who the heroes involved would be and Zack Snyder has said Apokolips’ Steppenwolf would be the villain but there’s always room for more in a movie with six lead characters, right??



Poor Slade. Seriously though, I guess this means Manu Bennett’s chances of returning to The CW’s Arrow are slim. Especially when you consider they killed off Amanda Waller and ignored most of the Suicide Squad because of the feature film with the same characters. Deathstroke was also brought into live-action by Michael Hogan on Smallville years ago.

Deathstroke, aka Slade Wilson, was a a mercenary/assassin character created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez. Not to be confused with Deadshot or Marvel’s Deadpool (a character who served as a sort of rip-off Deathstroke), Slade, also known as Deathstroke the Terminator, has been a Batman, Arrow, and Teen Titan villain. He has enhanced abilities and he’s normally been depicted as an older man. He has a few children, notably Grant and Rose Wilson.

Hey, remember when I did a Rule 63 Deathstroke [Edit: I can’t even remember my own cosplay apparently] Ravager (Slade’s daughter Rose) costume at San Diego Comic-Con in 2010?


That was fun. You can see more photos here.

What do you make of this “leak?” I actually love Deathstroke (as you can see) but I’m not sure where I see him fitting in well enough in Justice League. There’s too much going on already.

7 Responses to “Ben Affleck “Leaks” Possible Justice League Footage of Deathstroke”

  1. […] reported just last week on that “leaked” footage Affleck posted of Deathstroke. At the time I thought it was for Justice League because we’re so far off from Batman’s […]

  2. MisterShoebox says:

    I really don’t see why people like Deathstroke so much. Yeah, he’s a warrior and an assassin and uses guns and swords and stuff, but the guy also had relations with a 14 year old girl. This is canon. The Judas Contract: Deathstroke and Terra were sexually involved. I know that the new52 retconned this, but still.

    I will say that’s a awesome cosplay, however. Kudos! Muchos Kudos!

  3. “Colors to be muted.”
    What if it’s inspired by Beware The Batman, & the big showdown is Deathstroke vs. Alfred?

  4. Wheelchair says:

    No, don’t you guys get it??!? He’s finally confirming the “Batfleck is Deadshot Deathstrok” theory! (ETA: Dang I always get those two mixed up.) This means Christian Bale’s gonna come back and everything’s going to be all right again!!! Right?!? Guys??! Guys!!!

  5. doc says:

    I’d love for Manu Bennett to reprise the role but WB would never go that route so I’ll settle for Joe Manganiello.