Calling all artists!
At the New York Comic Con this year I made a sign last minute to stick on my scooter to advertise the blog. It read “Has Boobs, Reads Comics” and it was completely lame. However it did get me a lot of attention, not to mention allow my internet buddies to spot me in the crowds (like the scooter is easy to miss). I’ve decided I want something better for San Diego Comic Con and I want YOUR help because frankly, I draw like an 8 year old.
Art by Me
To make things fun I’m going to hold a contest. It’s open to anyone but obviously I’m looking for those of you who are artistically inclined. I’d like for you to design me a sign I can put on my scooter at SDCC. Here are my requirements:
- Sign must read “Has Boobs, Reads Comics” (quotes included)
- Sign must read
- Sign must have the dimensions of a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper
Pretty much everything else is open to interpretation. The sign can be horizontal or vertical. You can stick with just those two phrases and make them pop or you can add art/images along with it. Color designs are appreciated. Feel free to use any medium you like whether it’s straight up art, comic art, photography, computer graphics, etc. You can draw an actual “Nerdy Bird” or a depiction of myself if you want, above all, BE CREATIVE!
Now here’s what you get if you win:
- Not much. (Sorry, I don’t have any actual “prize” to give away)
- The winner’s image will be displayed on the front AND back of my scooter at SDCC. In the event of a tie or several awesome entries the images will be rotated during the convention. Your praises will be sung (not literally sung) by me whenever anyone asks about who created the image.
- The winner(s) image(s) will be displayed in a future post on and credit given where credit is due. (i.e. winner’s website address, myspace, etc will be published)
- All entries will be posted in a separate photo album on my Myspace specifically for this contest.
- The contest will be publicized on all social networking tools I use; Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Digg.
Contestants should email their entries to me at nerdybirdblog [at] gmail [dot] com. Please use the subject line: Nerdy Bird SDCC Entry. Give your full name, online alias (if applicable) and any of your websites/online portfolios. By entering, creators agree to let me use their images in promotional items or displays now and in the future with no further compensation than already listed above. The deadline for the contest is July 3, 2009.
Feel free to upload your images and link to them in the comments here for others to see. Otherwise I will be posting the images on my Myspace for others to view and comment on. I will be taking votes and opinions into consideration but the final decision comes down to me, myself and I.
Oh and if anyone would like to purchase the fantastic original art made by me specifically for this post (from above) feel free to make a lucrative offer. :)
Hi Jill!
Here's my entry:
Hope you like it!
For your consideration:
Hope you have a great time at SDCC. Thank you.
Brian Beardsley
I can't wait to see what everyone puts together! Thanks to everyone for spreading the word so far.
Brent, I would hope people would be smart enough not to include anything non-kid-safe seeing as how this will be displayed in public but you never know.
Ok i Can't draw! But i Can Promote! Have posted an article about your contest entitled; "Has Boobs, Reads Comics, Needs Artist!"
Please review:
Cool, best of luck with that!
You might want to mention, errr, *content* requirements, to head off any…less than kid-safe entries.
Hmmm, maybe I can whip something up by that deadline! :)
Ooooo… art contest… I will have to see what I can whip together!
I can draw stick figures pretty good.
Aw, I would draw you something, but my art is equally … um, … juvenile in quality. I will maybe see if my artist friend could help you out somehow. She is a freaking amazing artist.