Casper Van Dien Is Superman in This Table Read of George Miller’s Justice League: Mortal

If you ever wanted to know what was in George Miller’s script for Justice League: Mortal, there’s a table read for that. Yes, really.

Justice League: Mortal. You know, that project fans were aching over the loss of even more once Miller hit one out of the park with Mad Max: Fury Road.

The script was written by a script by Kieran and Michele Mulroney and The Comic Bug presented this special event with Defective Geeks recorded it for all the world to see. Here’s the table read cast:

Adam Marcus — Narrator, Alfred Pennyworth
Jennifer Wenger — Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Tracy Drolet — Iris Allen
Curtis Fortier — The Flash/Barry Allen
Will Dixon — Batman/Bruce Wayne
Nathan Hedrick — Maxwell Lord
Scott Koblish — Martian Manhunter/John Jones, Brother Eye, OMAC Alpha
Debra Sullivan — Talia al Ghul
Casper Van Dien — Superman/Clark Kent
Cole Rommel — Wally West
Rafael Navarro — Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Eddie Jordan, III — Green Lantern/John Stewart
Chris Saunders — Music and SFX

It’s really long, I haven’t sat through the whole thing yet but I’m astounded at its existence. Enjoy!

Cast Photo from #JusticeLeague live table read at @thecomicbug amazingly talented people that I love!

A photo posted by Jennifer Wenger (@jennylouwonder) on

(hat tip to Harrison Grey from my own comments section for this one)

7 Responses to “Casper Van Dien Is Superman in This Table Read of George Miller’s Justice League: Mortal

  1. Nuuni Nuunani says:

    You can tell the writers strike hit before rewrites could be done. >_>

  2. WheelchairNinja says:

    That… was kind of awesome. It had action and humor and color and hope! Maybe just add a scene halfway through where the heroes have a quick “I was in a lab accident, how did you get your powers? conversation for the non-nerds in the audience and it would have been a pretty darn good film! [Minor spoilers below]
    I loved what they did with Flash and how they switched up Maxwell Lord’s death. And that knock-down, drag-out fight between Clark and Diana would have been so much more epic than Batman v Superman!

    • I love that Lord’s plan to deal with Wonder Woman was mind controlling Superman to do it, because even Batman doesn’t have a contingency for her.

      • WheelchairNinja says:

        That was awesome. As the other League members were being taken out I kept thinking “how’s he gonna attack Wonder Woman?” and that totally made sense. She and Flash were definitely the two stand-out characters. And the reference to the JLA’s Silver Age origin at the end was just epic!

        • When Flash started saying there was something on the monitor, I was immediately like, “OMG, is it Starro?!” And yeah, it was Starro. Just perfect.

  3. I’m trying not to jump straight to “Better than Snyder”, but man, Jon and Wally.