Comment Policy
“Be excellent to each other.”
That’s the motto here at and we expect our users to abide by it.
Unlike a lot of other places online, there is a very, very, VERY strict comment policy here. You may not like it or agree with it but guess what? I don’t care.
Our comment policy is, but is not limited to:
- Please discuss! We love a healthy conversation about the topic at hand!
- If your comment does not immediately appear on the site after you’ve posted, it might have been flagged for review. Do not resubmit your comment multiple times.
- Comments can be flagged for review by our users. Please do not abuse this option for other users you simply disagree with, it makes real moderation more difficult).
- Please listen to what other users have to say instead of just talking at them. Differing points of view are welcome as long as the discussion stays civil.
- If you catch a spelling or grammatical error, we’d love to know about it. Just be polite. GOOD: “Hey, you’ve got XYX here when it should be XYZ.” BAD: “This post is filled with grammar mistakes,” “You wrote the word X instead of Y, the definition of X is XYZ and the definition of Y is ZYX. I can’t believe you don’t know the difference.”
- Personal attacks or threats against anyone (yes, that includes celebrities) or the site itself will be deleted. We have a wide definition of “personal attacks.”
- Troll behavior is certainly not tolerated. This could mean literally anything. But if you’re a troll, you probably already know it.
- If you become a detriment to the atmosphere of the comments section you will be deleted/banned.
Reminder: your freedom of speech is not being hindered by not being able to comment HERE. You can spout your nonsense elsewhere online all you like.