And that’s pretty much all I have to say today! I’m off to eat some delicious food and, from what I hear, a pudding pie with graham cracker crust! Yum!
Eeeep happy un-birthday! :O I didn't know it was! Did Becky forget to mention this on GEN (or did I just miss it because I haven't been online much)? She is SO getting an earful LOL!
Thanks again guys!
No, it wasn’t mentioned on GEN Steph but I don’t think Becky new it was my birthday. :)
LOL BIRTHDAY, not UN-birthday. XD Now you’ve got me all confuzzled. Hee hee!
Eeeep happy un-birthday! :O I didn't know it was! Did Becky forget to mention this on GEN (or did I just miss it because I haven't been online much)? She is SO getting an earful LOL!
Anyway, hope you had a good one!
Happy belated…um…”Bird-day” (get it?)
Oops, I missed it. Hope it was happy!
Thank you so much everyone!
A day late, but: Happy Birthday!
I wonder how many will recognize Nightwing and Flamebird in the Superman illo in the post?
Damn, Shelly stole my line. That’s what I get for not keeping up with my blogs on the weekend.
Hope you had a great birthday!
Happy b-day!
Hope it was a Super Birthday!