Judy Greer Set to Direct Allison Janney & Common in A Happening of Monumental Proportions

Judy Greer

Judy Greer, horrifically underused and underappreciated in this past summer’s Jurassic World and Ant-Man, lands a super cool directing gig for the Allison Janney and Common starring A Happening of Monumental Proportions.


Well, she is this time.

The Hollywood Reporter says this is the Archer actor’s directorial debut although she “previously directed a short film on transcendental meditation for AOL.”

Depth of Field is producing, Great Point Media financing the film described by THR as “set in a small school in Los Angeles that serves as the backdrop for an all-in-one-day tale of sex, lies and dead bodies.”

Producer Andrew Miano told THR Greer brought the script to his attention saying, “[She] had become an old friend of ours so when she called and she wanted to direct this for us, it was very flattering,”

THR says the script for A Happening of Monumental Proportions, written by actor Gary Lundy, “was a semi-finalist for the Nicholl Fellowship, and was a finalist for the Sundance Writer’s Lab.” Last month Deadline said Jennifer Garner was also attached to star but this latest report doesn’t mention her.

I’ve loved Greer as an actor so I’m excited to see what she does behind the scenes.



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