Hey, That’s My Cape! – Digital Comics Redux

Back in January, I wrote a column titled Dreaming In Digital [Comics]. In it, I discussed my first real foray into the digital comics world. Well, it’s now four months later and I’ve been reading my comics digitally for the duration. So, how have I fared?
As I mentioned in my original piece, I’m not really a “collector” of comics. I keep most of what I buy, but certainly not with resale as my motive. I still like having my purchases in my home where I can reread them if I so wish. But I received an iPad as a gift over the holidays and figured it was about time to try the wave of the future, as it were.
It wasn’t the smoothest transition for me, that’s for sure. The first time I attempted to buy digital comics, I had a lot of difficulty maneuvering the apps and finding the titles I wanted to buy without searching for them one by one. I eventually go the swing of how to find them easier week to week but that doesn’t always help if you’ve fallen behind a bit.
And I have.
Read all about my digital comics experience in the latest Hey, That’s My Cape! at Newsarama.