Hey, That’s My Cape! – The Year In Geek

It’s that time of year. The kids are on vacation, everyone’s bellies are swollen from holiday feasts and every journalist is coming up year-end wrap-ups in their chosen field. Yup, me too.

Ask anyone, 2010 was a loooong year. The economy might be down in the dumps and everyone’s miserable but it was a great year for entertainment to be sure. Not that all of it was good mind you, but we definitely had a lot to pass the time. So here are my highlights from 2010, not chronologically, not in order of importance, hell, not even in alphabetical order. Here’s some stuff that happened in 2010 that mattered to us.

Check out the list in the last Hey, That’s My Cape! of 2010 at Newsarama!

2 Responses to “Hey, That’s My Cape! – The Year In Geek”

  1. Thanks, I've seen that before. Too bad they don't have a girls cut or an image from one of his other appearances.