How do you say, “Nice ass” in Klingon?

Are you a geek looking for love? Well look no further! No, not at me. At this advertisement for a new geek-dating reality show!

It was bound to happen. Geeks are the new cool kids now. “Casting new Cosplay Dating Show – Looking for Singles in S. California!!! Are you a fan of Ben Bova? Speak Klingon? Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel Comics?” Must be 18 or older. Interested participants should email very soon as they are looking to start filming right away.

Now, before you get too excited let me just say, I don’t know how legitimate this “reality show” really is. I can’t find any official site and there’s no production company or even a contact NAME listed. If you show up and unwittingly sign an agreement saying you’ll be in geek porn, don’t blame me. They have a Facebook page though so, you know, totally legit.
I wonder if Geek Love is a working title? I can think of a few others: Looking for…I know, Roll for Charisma, My Lois/My Clark, Pon Farrther for Love, Undateable.

12 Responses to “How do you say, “Nice ass” in Klingon?”

  1. Bill D. says:

    The Power Girl in the picture looks like Liana K., who is already married to Steven "Ed the Sock" Kerzner (last I knew, anyway).

  2. Mike says:

    Nice site, you get my vote. Woman power exists in comic book world.

    I came across this 47 year old woman who is getting her comic book geek on. Looks like she's just getting going, but like what I see so far. Trying to help her get a little exposure…

  3. Arturo says:

    I'm with Amber on this, to be honest. Geekdom in the popular media is seein as either a cash-cow or something bordering on a personality disorder.

  4. You win Anonymous.

  5. Anonymous says:

    In answer to your original question, the best I could come up with was:

    'IH bIngDub

    (literally: beautiful under-back)

    I can't even type it with a straight face, much less say it.

  6. Carl says:

    Yeah, but that Powergirl can only cast 1 level 5 Druid spell a day. I am totally holding out for at least a level 12…

  7. The Dave says:

    yes, this won't help set geeks back 20 years by stigmatizing them all as cos-playing weirdos. Oddly enough, cos playing is now in spell check. We've come a long, long way. Swing low, sweet chariot, Coming for to carry me home, Swing low

  8. Randy says:

    I too remember the days where my hobby would get me ridiculed and laughed at. My senior year of high school, I was called X-Boy for wearing a jean jacket with X-men buttons all over it. As far as insults went, I actually wore that one with pride.

    I find it strange that if a person goes to a con dressed as a Klingon or a superhero and it shows up on the news, they are pegged as geeks or losers and become the subject of ridicule by the newscaster. However, during the sports segment, if they show someone at a football game bare-chested with maybe their face face painted in his home team's colors and a slogan painted on his chest (Bears #1, for example) they are talked about what a great fan of the team they are.

  9. Amber Love says:

    @sector2813 – I don't think this kind of show is going to counter the desire for people in costume to get humiliated and picked on.

    While I can see some producer wanting to spin off the "Beauty & the Geek" audience into a slightly different format and merge it with "Who Wants to be Superhero?" I don't think reality shows in general do anything positive (rare exceptions of course like the ones that promote sportsmanship and service).

    When I go to cons and mention WWTBASH to people in the industry, I can't remember any that didn't laugh. I wanted to be on that show for my own personal reasons. I don't want to be laughed at though. I have some very dear friends just because of the fan club and our continued interaction.

    The stigmata that "geeks can't date" is a beaten horse and will be continuously beaten as long as shows like this "Singles" thing get made. The geeks that I choose to associate with are loving and charismatic. I just don't see what the stereotype promoters see. I don't see how making fun of people is a good thing which is why I don't watch Idol until Hollywood week.

  10. ximerba says:

    What used to be a stigma now is "the new black".
    Should be fun though. :D

  11. TS Hendrik says:

    I hope it's like The Dating Game where the contestant is hidden and asks three people questions before choosing. Because then it might be fun to see if they walk out with an orc or Batman.

  12. sector2813 says:

    I can remember when being a geek/nerd was a stigma. That got you laughed at and beat up. Where the comic shops were hole in the wall stores that were poorly lit and when you entered all conversation stopped. And god forbid you were a gamer.i.e. D&D