NEIL GAIMAN Calls His DOCTOR WHO Episode “Dream Come True”

Two huge events are taking place on the BBC’s Doctor Who this year. First, in the season premiere on April 23, the Doctor, along with his traveling companions land in the good ol’ U.S. of A for a two-part adventure that traverses Chicago, the open country and our very own capital. The other comes a bit later in the season when award-winning author, and someone Newsarama readers are very familiar with, Neil Gaiman premieres his first-ever Doctor Who episode. And it’s something the British writer has been waiting a long time for.

“Getting to write a Doctor Who episode, for me anyway, was probably the nearest to being God that I have ever been or will ever get,” Gaiman told Newsarama. “I remember a similar feeling of megalomaniac power for about fifteen minutes in 1988 when I got to write my first Batman line. I got to bring on Batman and write dialogue for Batman and, I’m making Batman talk. But making Batman talk does not actually compare to the feeling of glorious power you get the moment you type, ‘Interior TARDIS.’”

Check out the full interview with Gaiman and director Toby Haynes at Newsarama! Or, if you’re so inclined, you can read it on Yahoo! where it’s since been picked up.