ONE WEEK until the MDA Muscle Walk!

Ok loyal “Has Boobs, Reads Comics” readers, the crunch is on. There’s only one week left until “The Nerdy Birds” take a spin around the Prudential Center in New Jersey to raise money with the Muscular Dystrophy Association Muscle Walk!

If you missed my original post on this year’s walk you can check that out here. Otherwise, you know the drill. My goal is to raise as much money as possible before the MDA Muscle Walk coming up THIS SATURDAY!

I know I say this a lot but seriously – Every. Dollar. Counts. Someone told me they were sorry they were only donating ten dollars. Ten dollars is GREAT! Five dollars is GREAT! One dollar is GREAT!! People think if they don’t donate $100 then it’s not worth it to donate at all, but it is. As of this moment I have 6,855 followers on Twitter. If every one of them gave just $1 I would have blown past my goal weeks ago. See what I mean? It adds up.
Give what you can and spread the word as far and as wide as you can. You can donate to The Nerdy Birds MDA Muscle Walk team here, my own personal goal here or to my lovely teammate Elizabeth-Amber (pictured above with me from the MDA Telethon this past year) here.
Thanks so much to everyone who has been so generous with their time and money so far! I’ll be sure to report on how it all turns out soon afterwards. :)