Because of course we can’t have Tatyana McFadden at the front of the Macy’s Parade without ruining it by calling her “inspirational.” I mean, she is–but at this point I’m conditioned to despise that word…
So Kara’s kill count has risen to two confirmed (Red Tornado &
Parasite), one unconfirmed (Non), & one assist (Metallo). Isn’t
Supergirl supposed to have a strict no-murder policy like Superman? She hasn’t displayed any emotional reactions to these intentional deaths. That’s a huge missed dramatic opportunity if we’re not to believe Supergirl is the world’s most chipper sociopath.
RT as depicted was not sentient, though, so I’m willing to let that one slide. But I’m with you on her mental state not really reflecting what she’s dealing with.
Supergirl has definitely become a little “Trigger-happy” lately, more often than not resorting to Heat Vision as a FIRST resort rather than a last one. It’s a wonder she doesn’t have a corpse count to rival that of Oliver Queen at this point.
I usually plug some art from my webcomic or talk about a recent challenge…but the webcomic is at a standstill while I figure out how fit it with a new and more uplifting plot out of nowhere and we’re moving along with a side project that I can’t talk about because it’s a pitch for a licensed character (and is also super porny).
Um. I saw Arrival? It was pretty good but also very sad and I don’t recommend it, to be honest, because who needs sad right now? Not me, dammit. Also, Westworld continues to be terrible and I continue to watch it because I have lost control of my life.
Went to the much larger library a town over for the first time in a few years today. Kinda got sucked in by the comics section. Left with Spider-Gwen vol. 1, S.H.I.E.L.D. vol. 1, Captain Marvel vol. 1, Ms. Marvel vol. 1, female!Thor vol. 1, Rat Queens vol. 2, and Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer vols. 1 and 2. There went all my free time for the next month!
Because of course we can’t have Tatyana McFadden at the front of the Macy’s Parade without ruining it by calling her “inspirational.” I mean, she is–but at this point I’m conditioned to despise that word…
Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice.
…as me and my friends, of the great rebellion…
…strive to free America…FROM THE EVIL FORCES OF…TRUMPAK!
This custom is a Rogue one:
#BarbDeservedBetter, so she became friends with Bex Taylor-Klaus.
So, Supergirl…killed a guy? That Superman non-fatally defeated a whole bunch of times in different media? What’s up with that?
So Kara’s kill count has risen to two confirmed (Red Tornado &
Parasite), one unconfirmed (Non), & one assist (Metallo). Isn’t
Supergirl supposed to have a strict no-murder policy like Superman? She hasn’t displayed any emotional reactions to these intentional deaths. That’s a huge missed dramatic opportunity if we’re not to believe Supergirl is the world’s most chipper sociopath.
RT as depicted was not sentient, though, so I’m willing to let that one slide. But I’m with you on her mental state not really reflecting what she’s dealing with.
In the episode they specifically say the Red Tornado robot became sentient after Alex shot Morrow.
Wow, yeah, she definitely did and there wasn’t really any reaction to it. She didn’t *want* to do it but still.
Supergirl has definitely become a little “Trigger-happy” lately, more often than not resorting to Heat Vision as a FIRST resort rather than a last one. It’s a wonder she doesn’t have a corpse count to rival that of Oliver Queen at this point.
I usually plug some art from my webcomic or talk about a recent challenge…but the webcomic is at a standstill while I figure out how fit it with a new and more uplifting plot out of nowhere and we’re moving along with a side project that I can’t talk about because it’s a pitch for a licensed character (and is also super porny).
Um. I saw Arrival? It was pretty good but also very sad and I don’t recommend it, to be honest, because who needs sad right now? Not me, dammit. Also, Westworld continues to be terrible and I continue to watch it because I have lost control of my life.
You have a gif of Tik Tok, but not one of Fairuza Balk as Dorothy?
Who do you think I am?
I forgot how nightmarish that movie was. Need to see it again pronto.
This is one of my favorite movies.
Went to the much larger library a town over for the first time in a few years today. Kinda got sucked in by the comics section. Left with Spider-Gwen vol. 1, S.H.I.E.L.D. vol. 1, Captain Marvel vol. 1, Ms. Marvel vol. 1, female!Thor vol. 1, Rat Queens vol. 2, and Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer vols. 1 and 2. There went all my free time for the next month!
Those all sound like good things to give your free time to. Really need to get back to reading more comics myself. I’ve only read one of those!
I need to circle back around to Ms. Marvel. I’ve been loving her in Miles Morales: Spider-Man and Champions. I maybe didn’t give her a fair shake.
Ooooo, *much* nicer on mobile!
The explanation here now that it’s out: