Playing Doctor with Matt Smith

As I mentioned yesterday, earlier this week I got to do something that made tons of Doctor Who fans jealous. I sat down with the talented Steven Moffat, writer of some of my all-time favorite episodes and the new...Read More »

April 16th, 2010

The Doctor Is In…

…New York. And yours truly had the tremendous opportunity this week to speak with the new Executive Producer of Doctor Who, Steven Moffat, the Doctor’s new Companion, Karen Gillan and yes, the Eleventh Doctor himself, Matt Smith. There was...Read More »

April 15th, 2010

Nerdy News

We’re crossing genres, mediums and quite possibly boundaries in this latest edition of Nerdy News. Get ready to scream. Whether it be in joy or madness I leave entirely up to you. Twilight: The Graphic Novel has arrived. I...Read More »

January 21st, 2010

Being American

It’s one thing to be a vampire, werewolf or ghost living in the UK. They’re used to that kind of thing. It’s an entirely different story to be one of those entities here in the ol’ U.S. of A....Read More »

October 29th, 2009

Being Human

A ghost, a vampire and a werewolf walk into a bar…scratch that. A ghost, a vampire and a werewolf move into an apartment, work together and have their lives taped to find out what happens when people stop being...Read More »

May 15th, 2009

Torchwood doesn’t do maternity leave.

The 21st century is when everything changes for Torchwood star Eve Myles. She’s expecting her first child and no, it’s not an alien. At least, she hopes it isn’t.  “We went for a scan and my mum was there,”...Read More »

May 7th, 2009

The Nerdy Bird Recommends – Jekyll

What would you do if you realized another person was sharing your body? Would you check yourself into an insane asylum thinking you were going mad or would you devise a schedule that works for both of you and...Read More »

March 16th, 2009

Torchwood Tickles New York

WARNING: The following article will be sprinkled with adult themes and language. “WE ARE COMING,” the tagline to the highly-anticipated third season of Torchwood, takes on an entirely new meaning after hearing star Eve Myles speak for an hour....Read More »

February 17th, 2009