BREAKING NEWS: Artgerm Draws Hot Women!

Some days I am simply humbled by the talent of others. Today is one of those days. Stanley Lau, also known as Artgerm on deviantart, has been illustrating covers for Batgirl and Birds of Prey recently. This Wonder Woman...Read More »

December 22nd, 2010

Superhero Style

I may have been in the pages of Elle Magazine once but that doesn’t mean I know anything about fashion. French clothing retailer Colette does though. They’ve teamed with several designers and DC for some very interesting superhero duds...Read More »

June 4th, 2010


I hope you all have a fantastic holiday! May it be filled with nerdy presents and Batmen with Santa beards. As an added present, here are links to watch one of my favorite Christmas specials. A Garfield Christmas Special!...Read More »

December 25th, 2009

DoubleDCoverage #37

I’m back with this week’s installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! Wonder Woman versus Black Lantern U.S. military. How’s that for a main event? The JSA may have gotten a divorce but that doesn’t mean the arguing...Read More »

December 9th, 2009