DoubleDCoverage #14

I’m back with this week’s installment of DoubleDCoverage at the Girls Entertainment Network! Watch out fellas, Gotham belongs to the ladies now. Reviews for Detective Comics #854 and Gotham City Sirens #1 are ahead, also, check out my star...Read More »

July 1st, 2009

The Cure

No, this isn’t about the band. Nor is it about the $110,000 we raised yesterday to help find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy at the Stride & Ride. This is about Barbara Gordon. Let’s play a little word association....Read More »

March 30th, 2009

I’m partial to redheads.

Comic Book Resources has an interview up with J.T. Krul talking about his issue of next month’s weekly mini-series The Joker’s Asylum. I was very interested to begin with about the premise of this series where the Joker himself...Read More »

June 26th, 2008