L.A. Times Cameo

Believe it or not, I’m STILL recovering from San Diego Comic-Con. So although it’s a week late, here’s a little something of mine you can check out until I get my new convention posts up – my debut in...Read More »

July 30th, 2010

When Geek Girls Attack!

The LA Times’ “Girls’ Guide to Comic Con 2009.” You’ve read it. Or at least read about it. Yes, they did make gross generilizations about the geek girl community. Yes, they really did tell us we’d be rushing to...Read More »

June 18th, 2009

Captain Jack = Captain America?

In Torchwood, actor John Barrowman plays Captain Jack Harkness, a man, who among other things, fought in World War II and mysteriously disappeared afterwards. Sound like someone else you know? Yesterday at a San Diego Comic Con panel a...Read More »

July 25th, 2008