Museum of Modern…Burton?

What’s this? What’s this? There’s color everywhere. What’s this? Tim Burton is exhibiting at New York’s Museum of Modern Art?! I can’t believe my eyes. It’s true. The master of joyous macabre is set to exhibit at the famous...Read More »

June 11th, 2009

Nerdy News

There is no Dana…only Alyssa Milano. Sigourney Weaver will not be reprising her role as Dana Barrett in Atari’s Ghostbusters: The Video Game says Variety. Instead, Milano has been added to the cast. “I have so much respect for...Read More »

March 23rd, 2009

All of this will happen again?

News of this broke on Friday apparently but I didn’t hear about it today. IGN reports Universal Pictures is planning a Battlestar Galactica movie with no connection to the current Sci-Fi Channel series.  Instead of current creator Ronald D....Read More »

February 24th, 2009

I caught the frak up.

SPOILERS FOR ALL BATTLESTAR GALACTICA AHEAD. You have been warned. Battlestar Galactica is the most well orchestrated piece of television my eyeballs have ever had the pleasure to focus on. I say that with a huge degree of gratitude...Read More »

January 20th, 2009

So long, Cylons

The fourth and final season of Battlestar Galactica begins tonight on the Sci-Fi channel. I guess you could say I’m a little behind. I just started watching season one two weeks ago. I know, shame on me, a huge...Read More »

April 4th, 2008