I recognized your foul stench.

Last Friday I brought you a TARDIS closet. Today I bring you some things to put in that closet. Like Princess Leia sneakers. Slave Leia cosplayers lives just got a whole lot more comfortable. Oh come on, it’s not...Read More »

March 12th, 2010

It’s bigger on the inside.

A Twitter follower of mine recently asked me what geeky thing I have yet to do that I am dying to. After some careful thought, I answered, “Stand in a TARDIS. Or marry David Tennant. You know, either one.”...Read More »

March 5th, 2010

Geek Girls R Us

So, you’ve got a geek girl in your life. Congratulations. Now what? The holidays are fast approaching and everyone likes a well thought-out gift. But maybe you’re not a geek yourself and aren’t sure what being a “geek girl”...Read More »

November 18th, 2009

Wizard World Philly In Pictures

I hadn’t originally planned on attending Wizard World Philly. Then I remembered, I’m too poor to go to the San Diego Comic Con, so why not? I had everything set to go when I realized, I didn’t have anyone...Read More »

June 3rd, 2008