Disney Princesses get a superhero makeover.

Sometimes the best stuff comes out of being up late (I should know, I’m a night owl). Take for example the 2 a.m. doodlings of deviantart member kreugan wherein ball-gown-wearing Disney princesses are transformed into chic superheroines. Pretty sweet,...Read More »

September 13th, 2010

The Tron Disney doesn’t want you to see. NSFW

The internet can be a scary place sometimes. Just today I was considering turning the safe search back on while looking for pictures of comic book characters on Google. It can take you down dark roads indeed. But sometimes...Read More »

August 24th, 2010

Gobble Gobble

For your holiday weekend enjoyment I present a tired, full and quite possibly lazy blogger’s idea of a Thanksgiving post.  Something tells me none of them catch it. That turkey’s face is priceless. I couldn’t decide which one of...Read More »

November 28th, 2008