Web Comics to Help the Gulf Coast

Yup. That oil leak in the Gulf is still goin’ strong. Even if it weren’t, there’s still an enormous amount of cleanup that needs to be done. A lot of people have been doing their part but one woman has organized something right up our alley, a web comics auction!

Carly Monardo gathered donations from some wonderful web comic talent and put them all up for auction to benefit the relief efforts. One hundred percent of the proceeds will be donated to the Colbert Nation Gulf of America Fund, which is being managed by The Baton Rouge Area Foundation. Here’s Carly’s own words about how she decided to put the auction together:

The idea to organize this auction came from my friend Thomas Bayne – the animatic director on Venture Bros. After selling a number of original Venture production drawings to raise money for the Gulf Coast, Tom expanded his efforts and launched an even bigger auction of artwork from a variety of cartoons. I thought it would be great if we got the same thing going for web-comics.

There’s over 30 artists participating in the auction including Dean Trippe, Anthony Clark, Kate Beaton and David Malki! You can go to the auction hub right here which will give you links to each individual artist’s work or you can see them all on this ebay page.
Check it out, spread the word and bid!