
Something very exciting is taking place in the comic book industry right now and I’m ecstatic to let you know I’m part of it. It’s called – Womanthology.

Womanthology is a MASSIVE all-female comic anthology being spearheaded by Renae De Liz, illustrator of The Last Unicorn for IDW Publishing. That same company has offered to publish the book for an incredible assortment of over 140 female creators. The proceeds from the book will be going entirely to charity, GlobalGiving.org, and so the production costs must be met before it can be printed. This is where Kickstarter comes in.

If you aren’t familiar with Kickstarter, it’s a fundraising tool online that offers incentives for those that donate and only collects the money if the specified goal is met by a certain date. Our goal for a small print run of 1500 copies is $25,000. I know that sounds like a lot but this is a worthwhile investment not only for the charitable incentive but also for females in the comic industry. Plus, at the time I’m posting this, we’ve already raised $10,000 (THANK YOU!)

The purpose of the book is to show support for female creators in comics and media. There will be multiple short stories, how to’s & interviews with professionals, and features showcasing iconic female comic creators that have passed, such as Nell Brinkley and Tarpe Mills. A Kids & Teens section will also be included, showcasing their work, and offering tips & tricks to help them prepare themselves for their future careers in comics. Overall, this is pretty much a huge book showcasing what women in comics have accomplished, and what we are capable of :) We are also hoping that by doing this book, it will encourage a new generation of women to pick up the pencil and create!

So, where do I come in? Well…I’m writing one of the stories! I’m teamed up with a fantastic artist named Nur Hanie Mohd (she goes mostly by Hanie, pronounced ‘honey’) and I can’t wait to work with her. And more so, I can’t wait to be in the same book as Gail Simone, Devin Grayson, Chrissie Zullo, Lauren Montgomery, Jenna Busch, Bonnie Burton and more!

Feel free to check out Womanthology’s official blog, Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook. Now run, don’t walk to the Kickstarter page to donate and get excited for what is bound to be one of the best books on the stands!

6 Responses to “Womanthology!”

  1. I too, am supporting and promoting Womanthology on my blog. And with 18 days left, pledges have reached $62.829. But what I didn't know, is that you were Actually contributing. That's FANTASTIC!!! What an honor!

    Naturally I updated my Womanthology blog post to include the news, and a link to this post. You can read the update here..

    The Womanthology Comics Project

  2. adrian says:

    got my 20. wonder if they wanna talk about it on a podcast?

  3. As I posted in the comments section of the kickstarter page, it's great to see creators and fans putting their money where their mouth is and supporting women in the industry! It's currently at almost $34k. Glad I am able to help, and look forward to receiving the book!

  4. trhersh says:

    Holy crap, Batman! You posted this just last night, and you said it was already at $10k. Today, it's over $21k! That's awesome! And, I was not sure how much to contribute (too poor to even buy comics, at the moment, so I was thinking low was good), and the average $ per contribution is over $60! That is amazing. Well, I'll still be shooting lower than that, but I have no worries that this will get published!

  5. Holy cats! It's already at $19K!

    I'm totally jazzed about this.

  6. RinaSmith says:

    Woman Power how cool is that? thank you for sharing.