DC Comics Issues Formal Statement on Sexual Harassment Complaints


Today, DC Comics broke their silence over allegations of sexual harassment within the company.

You might have been seeing elsewhere online that a breaking point had finally been reached over years of this “open secret,” as many have called it. Though others had reported on his infractions without naming names and kept it out of headlines in the past, the firing of Vertigo’s fantastic editor Shelly Bond spurred Nick Hanover on April 20th to name Senior Editor Eddie Berganza as a serial harasser, which then spurred Janelle Asselin to recount her personal experiences working at DC Comics and her and her co-workers’ actions against Berganza. Above the already horrible instances of harassment The Beat reported on another connected issue:

Several sources with first hand knowledge of the matter confirmed that, if it wasn’t a hard and fast written out rule, there was, for quite a while, at least an informal policy in place that no female staff would be assigned to the Superman office, and no female freelancers would be hired. This latter part was disregarded, as several women have actually worked on the Superman line in recent years.

The cat was finally and truly out of the bag for the comic reading masses to read about. And so we waited for DC to respond.

I had my doubts it would happen. Even though there are many good people working inside DC, they are not allowed to make decisions as easily as some fans would hope. Parent company Warner Bros. likely had a firm hold of what was going on internally once the news went wide. As a result of these reports and others, another person felt comfortable to come forward with an alleged instance of sexual misconduct against a “Senior Art Director from DC Entertainment.” Warner Bros’ human resources was said to be getting involved.

And that brings us to today. DC’s statement, given to Comic Book Resources, is as follows:

DC Entertainment strives to foster a culture of inclusion, fairness and respect. While we cannot comment on specific personnel matters, DC takes allegations of discrimination and harassment very seriously, promptly investigates reports of misconduct and disciplines those who violate our standards and policies.

As part of our ongoing effort to provide an equitable working environment, we are reviewing our policies, expanding employee training on the topic and working with internal and external resources to ensure that these policies and procedures are respected and reinforced across the company.

That is a short statement and certainly not going to quell much of the anger building against the company. CBR also points out, “This follows an all-staff meeting on Friday afternoon led by DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson.”

12 Responses to “DC Comics Issues Formal Statement on Sexual Harassment Complaints”

  1. MysteryWriter says:

    I left for this very reason. Working in comics shouldn’t make me feel like I need to shower after every encounter with my editor.

  2. […] an editorial note, we recorded this episode prior to the formal statement released by DC, although it does not significantly affect the content of our […]

  3. They Call Me The Fizz says:

    I think the most important thing to do now is NOT let this get swept… We need to say on this like Wilmore on Cosby…

  4. They covered Berganza’s ass in the past, so I won’t hold my breath for them to do the smart thing and simply break ties. Pressure him into resigning his position at DC and put someone else in charge of the Superman comics, who can work with the ideal talent carte blanche without having to write off women on the team as a security measure.

  5. Zatar says:

    So they say that they ” promptly investigates reports of misconduct and disciplines those who violate our standards and policies.”

    Given how many people have already been accused and how none of them have been dismissed DC is already lying.

  6. Besides how obviously reprehensible it is for any company to stand idly by and not do anything about sexual harassment among their employees, there is extra, tragic irony that this is the editor in charge of Superman. The characters DC publishes are supposed to stand for something, and Superman more than almost any of them; it’s sad that those ideals aren’t having any effect on the people who should be doing something about this.

  7. Veronica says:

    “As part of our ongoing effort to provide an equitable working environment, ”
    so why there isn’t female editors working on superman office? why few women freelancers on sueprman office? like there is only one woman there right now: emanuela lupachino

  8. wondercube says:

    Just fire that creep Eddie Berganza and be done with it, PLEASE.

  9. VindicaSean says:

    This was released on a Friday afternoon. They’re rug sweeping and they know it.

  10. the silver ravens says:

    Woah i was wonder if anything was going to happen.