Dharma wants you!

On behalf of the Dharma Initiative, Octagon Global Recruiting is currently seeking volunteers to contribute to an important new research project.

A new research project is about to commence which will play a vital role in furthering the Dharma Initiative’s objectives.
Octagon Global Recruiting, on behalf of the Dharma Initiative, requires research volunteers to assist in a range of unpaid positions.
Our national recruitment drive will commence in San Diego, California July 24 – 27, 2008.
Everything you’ve just read is from what looks to be the new Lost Experience website, OctagonGlobalRecruiting.com. There was a quick commercial for the site during tonight’s two-hour season finale. There’s a short introduction video plus a chance to put in your email address to play along. And if the date of the recruitment drive sounds familiar to you that’s because it happens to correspond with the San Diego Comic Con. Anyone want to pay for me to fly out there? Pretty please??

2 Responses to “Dharma wants you!”

  1. Nerdy Bird says:

    Haha, thanks I appreciate it!

  2. Rich says:

    Can’t foot the bill, but will take pics and blog about it!