Did you pick up Super Friends #29 this week?

Well you should have, because I’m in it!!!

I know! I’m just as surprised as you are. And more than that, I’m seriously GEEKING OUT. In case you had any doubt it was some other girl in a motorized scooter wearing a Red Lantern costume, click on the image to view full size. Yup, that says “Nerdy Bird” on my basket. :) By the way, sorry it’s such a bad pic, my scanner is broken.

There’s not much story to tell here except that I know the artist who works on the book, Stewart McKenny, and I had NO idea he was doing this! I’m absolutely honored though. The image is on page two and part of a bigger convention scene. I don’t usually read Super Friends but I may have to start buying it for my nieces. This was a very fun issue writer by Sholly Fisch so go pick it up for that if not for the chance to see me in there for yourself.

Now, if I can just make it into an issue of Batman

14 Responses to “Did you pick up Super Friends #29 this week?”

  1. MOCK! says:

    Quite awesome! And to think I was impressed with my daughter getting a LETTER published…

  2. Batman says:

    Well, if I'm ever given the honor of scripting a Batman comic, I'll make sure to put you in somewhere… :)

  3. Amanda says:

    Way cool! Congrats!

  4. 8Bit-Emma says:

    Congrats! That's so awesome!

  5. Cderosby says:

    congrats J that is so sweet.


  6. OMG that's so cool.

    He's also put my local (and his) comic book shop (@comicsetc) and the owner James in there.

    He's a local Brisbane artist and is always at our yearly pop-culture convention. Whenever we've chatted, he's been a cool guy.

  7. Amy says:

    Congratulations Jill, that is so very rocking!

  8. Randy says:

    Awesome! I'm picking it up next week.

    Unfortunately, it was the last issue of the series.


  9. csa4Batman says:

    That is too cool, Jill.

  10. Anonymous says:

    ha! very cool! congrats Jill! :)

  11. ollure says:

    Congratulations. That is so cool.

  12. DarkShinobi says:

    That is SO awesome! Yay yay yay!!! :D

  13. Budd says:

    scratch one off of the bucket list. that is awesome.

  14. Awesome! And I thought you were in Batman already. I guess it's because to me, you ARE Oracle.