Fancy Pants Gangsters

“Those who can, do. Those who can’t, do it on the internet.” That’s the motto of the Fancy Pants Gangsters and I, for one, wholeheartedly agree.

I had to share this image because it’s a collaboration between three good friends of mine: Ashley Hay, Meagan VanBurkleo and Rick Basaldua. Ashley, aka Kannaya, is one of the hosts of the Fancypants netcast based in Minnesota. Together they are:

A collection of free thinkers, radio mavericks, and whatever other nomenclature is appropriate for people who couldn’t get a real job because they have no marketable skills. We put on audio netcasts (don’t get me started on the Kleenex of our days, “podcasting”), covering topics like popular culture, video gaming, politics, film, food, along with other aspects of life we find amusing or interesting at the time.

Top Cow inker, and all-around sweetheart Rick Basaldua, created this bad-ass shirt for the netcasters proving talent runs in the family. Rick is brother of Top Cow artist Eric Basaldua. Giving the equally bad-ass sneer in the photo is fellow Girls Entertainment Network writer/cosplayer/friend Meagan, aka Virtual Girl. If you’d like a shirt of your own or some other fine geek wear, check out the Fancypants shop. And of course check out the Fancy Pants Gangsters already archived shows and future broadcasts. :)

7 Responses to “Fancy Pants Gangsters”

  1. Anonymous says:

    that snarl on Megan is awesome!! :)

  2. Mister Hobbs says:

    Dude, no marketable skills? Sign me up, don't wanna scrub toilets my whole life. These're pretty epic I wont lie.

  3. Oooh thanks Doug! I hadn't seen the news yet! I can get behind that casting.

  4. ImjustDoug says:

    Nice shirts as well as nice art ON the shirts.

    But off the subject, know your a fan of Nikita and heard about this and thought you might be interested, if you haven't heard about it already:

  5. Randy says:

    I like the R2D2 birdcage shirt, but it looks stupid on the male model who is wearing a collared shirt underneath.

  6. Check out her website, a lot of artists have drawn her. :)

  7. TS Hendrik says:

    That is a pretty killer design. I like the face she's making. That deserves to be etched on a shirt too. lol