Free for All
The favorite day for comic book readers, besides Wednesday’s, is tomorrow. I’m talking about Free Comic Book Day of course.

There’s lots of variety as to what’s being given out this 7th year of FCBD. There will be a copy of All Star Superman #1, which you probably already bought if you were reading along with that title but it’s a nice thought anyway. Just in time for the Hellboy movie there’s a Hellboy/B.P.R.D. book as well. I’m looking forward to something called Comics Go Hollywood. Apparently it’s going to include story boards from the animated The New Frontier and lots interviews and behind the scenes looks. There will also be two non-comic giveaways, Star Wars CMG miniatures and a Ironman Heroclix. For a complete list of what you could find check out the FCBD site.
Some select stores will be having creator appearances to add to the mix as well. Locally in New Jersey there is only one store listed on the FCBD site that will have a creator appearance. Fernando Ruiz from Archie’s Mysteries will be at Dewey’s Comic City in Madison.
Remember, not all comic shops are participating in FCBD, though a lot are. You should check their store locator before you head out just in case. I am planning on going into NYC for FCBD but that might depend on how the weather turns out tomorrow. From what I hear there can be lines at some of the bigger stores and standing in the rain makes my scooter very unhappy (read: not work). But I look forward to hearing all of your experiences on your FCBD if I don’t make it out and if I do get out I’ll see what readers have to say at the stores.
Newsarama has a nice piece up about the History of Free Comic Book Day that’s worth a read. In addition, Comic Book Resources, does some history but is also doing all-out coverage of the day from seven different states.
Have fun!
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The store I went to (Comic Fortress in Somerville, NJ) let you take three comics, and I ended up going with All -Star Superman (I haven’t read that series yet), the X-Men book(I like Greg Land’s art), and the Project Superpowers book (I’m collecting that series, but this was an original story). And then I spent $20.