The Game Dames Podcast

Lots has been going on since I returned from San Diego Comic-Con so I apologize if my posting has been less frequent but I wanted to share with you all a great podcast I was a guest on this past weekend – the Game Dames Podcast!

There’s been a lot of talk about Katrina Hill’s “Oh, You Sexy Geek!” panel I was on at the convention and hosts of the Game Dames podcast, Dana and Leala, thought it would be interesting to hear first-hand from someone who was actually there. From the lovely ladies, “We delve into the topics of faux fangirlism, cosplay, girl vs. girl rivalries and the good/bad sides of the panel.”

Head on over to the Game Dames podcast and give it a listen!
Speaking of podcasts, have you been keeping up-to-date with my and Alan Kistler’s Crazy Sexy Geeks Podcast? If not, catch up now, new episodes are coming soon!