Top 11 Geek Girls of 2011

Hey there, folks! Long time no see! I apologize that things have been lax around here as of late but don’t worry, I have already promised myself that I will get back on the ball after the new year....Read More »

December 28th, 2011

The Game Dames Podcast

Lots has been going on since I returned from San Diego Comic-Con so I apologize if my posting has been less frequent but I wanted to share with you all a great podcast I was a guest on this...Read More »

August 1st, 2011

Are you questioning Miss USA’s geek cred?

My first question is, “Why?” Geek credibility, especially Geek Girl credibility, seems to be a hot button topic as of late. In fact, Action Chick Katrina Hill is putting together a panel at San Diego Comic-Con next month called...Read More »

June 21st, 2011

AWKWARD EMBRACES: Making Geek Dating Fun(ny)

Dating is hard. For everyone, equally. The act of asking out/getting asked out is uncomfortable enough let alone the anxiety you feel on the actual date. And sometimes they can go horribly, horribly wrong. Well if you’ve had at...Read More »

February 17th, 2011


You heard me correctly. is hosting a Geek Girl Sleepover this weekend sponsored by ThinkGeek and Midtown Comics! What’s the occassion? Well, Toy Fair is this weekend in New York City and I felt like being a kid...Read More »

February 11th, 2011