
Did you get your geek girl fill yesterday? No? Good, because today you’re getting even more. Join me tonight as I guest on the live chat at 9 p.m. EST!

Once again I’ll be joined by the lovely Kristin Rielly from the Geek Girls Network plus Caroline Pruett from Fantastic Fangirls and Ali Colluccio from Murmur. Our topic for the evening will be “Women in Comics.” We’re planning to discuss the following:

  • Recommendations/What not to Recommend
  • Female versions of already established heroes
  • Female Solos/Ongoing titles
  • Female Writers/Artists
  • And yes, possibly even Women in Refrigerators
If you’d like to listen in, head to the Ustream where you can ask questions of the guests or debate topics with us. You can also do that through Skype. Just add to your contacts!