Help Wonder Woman this weekend!

Wonder Woman is the epitome of female empowerment. It’s no wonder she’s got her own day dedicated to helping domestic violence shelters and help lines! The third annual Wonder Woman Day is taking place Sunday October 26, 2008 in Portland, Oregon and (Oct. 25 & 26) Flemington, New Jersey.

Wonder Woman art up for auction by Brad Rader

Wonder Woman Day was created and is continually produced by author Andy Mangels, also the curator of the online Wonder Woman Museum. Excalibur Comics will be hosting the Portland event to benefit Raphael House, Bradley-Angle House and the Portland Women’s Crisis Line. In Flemington, Comic Fusion will be hosting the benefit for SAFE in Hunterdon. Adam Hughes, Allison Sohn, Gail Simone, and others will be appearing at the Portland site, while Neil Vokes, James Fiorentino, Rob Kramer, and Chris Muller will be in NJ.

In both states the day will include silent auctions of original Wonder Woman illustrations created and donated specifically for the event plus doorprizes and other drawings for various other comic items all for charity. Fans can take photos with real live superheroes and heroines throughout the day and are encouraged to show up in costume. Wonder Woman Day at Comic Fusion in Flemington is part of their “Super-Hero Weekend” produced by Stacy Korn in conjunction with Mangels. 
Collectively, Wonder Woman Day I and II raised over $42,000 for domestic violence shelters. If you’d like to get your hands on some of the gorgeous art but can’t make the events you may put a proxy bid in online here. The bidding ends online midnight (PST) on Saturday October 25th but will continue in-store on Sunday the 26th. 
Last I checked, the Adam Hughes art from Portland was going for $1,505. So, so much for that. I do hope to make it out to the Flemington event though and get my hands on something nerdy while helping a good cause. Just think, WWWWD?

8 Responses to “Help Wonder Woman this weekend!”

  1. Amber Love says:

    Always the most beautiful hero in the room, Z! Plus you’ll be getting some calls because your mom cleaned up in the raffle drawings. Thanks for coming by and being such a sport about all the photo ops.

  2. Ok, if you guys go, I’ll go in costume. :)

    I’d most likely be going on Sunday.

  3. freakgirl says:

    If you’re going in costume, then we definitely have to go, geekboy. I think we still have an unused gift certificate for that store.

  4. Randy says:

    She’s fighting for our rights in her satin tights and the ol’ red, white and blue!

    You’re a wonder, Wonder Woman!

  5. If I go, I just have to dress up don’t I? I might as well. :)

  6. GeekBoy says:

    So the question is: Are you planning to go in costume?

    You know you want to.

  7. Indeed. Hopefully as time goes on they’ll be able to spread out. I’m sure other places would love to do it.

  8. eric says:

    That’s pretty cool. Too bad it’s not an event that happens in more places in the U.S.A.