Hey, That’s My Cape! – Will WONDER WOMAN Work on TV Again?

Wonder Woman is getting her own television show. Again. Am I happy about this? Mostly. I hate to say it but it’s better than getting nothing at all.

When the original news broke that David E. Kelley was putting together a show featuring Princess Diana, I was happily surprised. When network after network decided to pass, I gritted my teeth. We had already been denied a big-screen Wonder Woman when the studio disagreed with…whatever Joss Whedon’s plan was. Of course he picked up the superhero pieces and is now the director of The Avengers film but we’ll probably never know what his vision would have looked like.

Click on through to Newsarama to read this week’s very opinionated Hey, That’s My Cape!

5 Responses to “Hey, That’s My Cape! – Will WONDER WOMAN Work on TV Again?”

  1. Dave Mackey says:

    I've always wondered about the theme music lyrics: is it "Get us out from under, Wonder Woman" (comma) or "Get us out from under Wonder Woman" (no comma)?

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing what a fresh eye can bring to her character (much like what Chris Nolan did with Batman).

    While it's true that Kelley has "Zero" experience with genre material, he's one of the best writers on TV and certainly the best with female characters. That, IMO, is more important.

    BTW, great idea using LInda as Hyppolyta. That would be cool!

    and please God, no invisible airplane! That's the dumbest thing that's ever been in a comic.

  3. Mike Brown says:

    I, too, have worries aplenty about this show. David Kelly has a very mixed record with TV shows. But when he's on, he's very good, Picket Fences and, yes, Ally McBeal, which was great when it started. Kelly can certainly write "up with America" speeches with the best of them. So, I guess I'm just going to be excited to have a Wonder Woman TV show until proven otherwise.

    As for the Los Angeles thing, meh, I'm okay with it. I understand that they have to have a budget.

    I look at this show as sort of "Ultimate Wonder Woman," it'll be different, but as long as they keep the key features of Wonder Woman intact, integrity, character, a soupcon of bondage, I'll be okay with it.

    So, I'm working on being positive.

    Having said all that, if they released Joss Whedon's version of the script, I'd pay $100 to read it.

  4. I have a feeling they'll probably go with something close to the new DC design, though I still don't love it. I really just want her in the iconic suit.

  5. Tranzini101 says:

    Where do you stand on the costume business? This new TV WW is indeed supposed to be an "urban crimefighter," so something resembling what DC just designed (perhaps in cahoots with their goals for this TV incarnation) would seem logically appropriate. But even so, we're not dealing with the changing of a costume here, but the destruction of an icon. No matter how "silly" she may appear, WW can't be separated from her star-spangled bathing suit anymore than Superman can be put into anything other than a body-fitting blue outfit with a big S on his chest. At least, that's my humble opinion!