Hey, That’s My Cape! – Wonder Woman Day 2010

It’s been a big year for Wonder Woman. She turned 70 (but doesn’t look a day over 29) and her 600th issue marked a drastic costume and life change for the Princess as writer J. Michael Straczynski took over the reins of her comic. With all the press she’s received there’s no better time for creators and fans alike to get involved with Wonder Woman Day.

If you aren’t familiar, Wonder Woman Day is an annual bi-coastal fundraising event founded by Andy Mangels that takes place each October during national Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In the last four years the event has raised over $89,000 for domestic violence shelters and programs. Not too shabby for some doodles.

Readers of my blog may be familiar with WWD because I’ve attended the last two years but if you’re not, check out more about this wonderful event in my latest Hey, That’s My Cape! at Newsarama, especially if you’re an artist.

5 Responses to “Hey, That’s My Cape! – Wonder Woman Day 2010”

  1. ImjustDoug says:

    Sent an e-mail to the address provided and looked at the form Jill mentioned. The charitable donation for seemed like if I was the one doing the drawing. I might be wrong. If the e-mail comes back with "just fill out the form," then I'll know.

    Thanks for bringing this up.

  2. I'm not knowledgeable about their policies for the art but if you go to the right hand side of the page there's a downloadable word doc that gives you all the information you need including where to mail it.


    And the site still says Wonder Woman Day so maybe next year they'll have the change or just change it later.

  3. @ImjustDoug…. here is Andy Mangels email addy. Contact him and he can let you know which shop to send your art to for the auction.

  4. I talked to Andy a little at SDCC this year and the day has officially been renamed Wonder Women Day so as to not draw the ire of DC Comics for using the trademarked name of the icon Wonder Woman. He has trademarked and obtained copyrights for the new name. But you are right, this is a fully wonderful day and inspiring and very worthy day to help out.

  5. ImjustDoug says:

    Might want to talk to Newsarama that link was wonky for me.

    Well, my art is worse than a 4 yr olds but I DO love good comic art and a good cause. I noticed that they had stuff from Ethan Van Sciver.

    I have a piece of his that of Diana and is 11×17. I would love to donate that to the auction for WWD. Would they want 2 pieces and where would I send it to?