I skipped comics today for a good cause.

I also bravely got up at 7 am this morning which, for me, is a number rarely seen. The reason for these two shocking events was simple. VIP Day at MDA Camp in NY.

I was asked to visit camp once again this year to film some check presentations that will air on the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon in a little over a week from now. You’ll only be able to view my piece if you’re in the Tri-State area as it will air on the local NY portion of the Telethon. I met some great new people and got the chance to catch up with a bunch of old friends at the same time. Plus it turned out to be one of the nicest days of the whole year.

Above are two extremely talented and warm-hearted individuals who I’ve had the pleasure of working with on several MDA videos over the last few years, Adam Browne and Brendan Choisnet. Together they co-own the television and video production company, Plywood Pictures. This year the guys won the MDA Broadcast Journalism Award for their Summer Camp Profile/Feature from last year. They really deserve it, they put a lot of hard work into their projects.
Speaking of their projects they have something really special coming up that I’d like to fill you all in on. Adam and Brendan directed a feature film written by their friend Daniel Nayeri called, The Cult of Sincerity. Earlier this year it had it’s world-premiere on Youtube. Yup, that’s a first. 
Even more exciting is the news I just found out this week. The Cult of Sincerity will be airing on PBS New York City (Channel 13) this Saturday at 11:15 pm! The film will be featured as one of their Reel 13 Indies programming. I honestly loved the movie and I hope you guys decide to check it out. It’s very…sincere. Ok, so that was corny, but it’s true! 
And don’t worry, there are some geek credentials in the film; a Bizarro t-shirt and some massive video game playing. Here is the trailer for you to check out. If you aren’t in the NY area you can always view it in it’s entirety on Youtube. Enjoy!

And have no fear, I’ll get my comics later in the week!  

6 Responses to “I skipped comics today for a good cause.”

  1. “Tuck me in Bitch!”

  2. Yeah Randy, there’s a possibility some of it will wind up on youtube.

    Haha, my movie? Well, I’m not opposed to acting. Actually, if you’d like to see my “acting” check out this video my friends made in college. I’m sure you’ll all get a kick out of it.


  3. Wow, you like know people! when is your movie coming out?

  4. Randy says:

    Makes me wish I lived in your area.

    Highly doubt I’d get to see it in Chi-town!!

    Oh well. Good thing there’s YouTube, right?

  5. Oh shucks! It probably would have a heart attack if you tried to do that. Too bad they don’t specify when they are switching from the National show to the Local one. I’ll let you guys know if I find out specific times later on and then maybe you can try to record for the few hours around that. The problem is, with the telethon they are always cutting or moving things around the day of so you never know for sure when stuff will happen. But we’ll see.

  6. GeekBoy says:

    Crap, we do live in the Tri-State area … but Freakgirl and I will be in Florida on Labor Day. I wonder if the TiVo would have a heart attack if we tried to record the entire telethon …