Last call to help The Nerdy Birds!

I’m making one last ditch effort to reach my fundraising goal for the MDA Stride & Ride this Sunday at the Palisades Center Mall. Won’t you donate so I don’t have to use the handicap viewfinder at the zoo anymore?

I’m only about halfway to the goal I hoped to raise. Are you going out this weekend with friends? Maybe to a bar? How about having one less beer and giving the extra $5 to the cause? If you can give more that’s fantastic but I think we could all use one less beer, don’t you think? :)

Besides my mom and dad, Beth from Amber’s Fashion Tips for Superheroes and her mom are going to be walking as my team, “The Nerdy Birds,” this weekend. All the teams usually wear team shirts or team colors. I decided we should all wear shirts with nerdy things on them so who knows what we’ll come up with.
Here is the link to our team page where you can donate securely online. You can make a general donation to the whole team or sponsor one of us separately. Thank you so much to everyone who’s donated so far and for spreading the word about the Stride & Ride on your own pages. 

4 Responses to “Last call to help The Nerdy Birds!”

  1. Thank you everyone! Just wanted to let you all know we raised over $110,000 for Muscular Dystrophy with the Stride & Ride today. :)

  2. Hey Jill, hope you make the $1k. Gave you another shout-out at Adventure in Nerdliness.

    Word verification: hedukeys
    Wow, that is a weird one!

  3. Thank you very much for your comment yoyorobbo. Thank you for all your hard work too, keep it up! :)

  4. yoyorobbo says:

    Hey Nerdy Bird. Awesome job with your fundraising!

    My family are huge MDA supporters. One day, about 15 years or so back, my mother-in-law decided she wanted dedicate a big portion of her life to helping others. She always admired the Jerry Lewis telethon, and decided MDA would be her focus.

    She, along with my wife and several of their friends/family formed a committee and work throughout the year on various fundraising activities, culminating in a yearly Dine&Dance/Auction Night. It is so great to see all of the people who come out to support MDA at these events, and to see the hard work and dedication that my wife and her mother exhibit pay off when they present their check on the local televised portion of the national telethon. Even more worthwhile is the smiles on the faces of the many children and adults alike with MDA who participate in these events with us…awesome!

    I sincerely wish you the best in your fundraising and in your battle with MDA. God Bless.