Mister Crusher, set a course for Sector 001

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have control of a ship at your fingertips well, you’re still a ways off. Until then, how about control of your light-switch?

Ok, so technically you already have control of your light-switches and power-outlets but they’ll be much cooler with this around them. Star Trek: The Next Generation plate covers. Made by son of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Eugene Roddenberry, these are the perfect gift for any ST fan. And by any, I mean me. Though I bet this guy buys them in gross.


4 Responses to “Mister Crusher, set a course for Sector 001”

  1. Alex says:

    Engage!!!! haha, I’m glad I stopped by this blog entry. My friend is a HUGE Star Trek fan, so I’ll get this for him.

  2. Randy says:

    I should get those for my basement, which I have dubbed the Fortress of Comictude.

  3. Beam me up potty! Haha, I can’t believe I just wrote that.

  4. Oh. Man. These are spectacular.

    I already have a kitchen devoted to Star Wars … maybe I could turn the bathroom into a Star Trek shrine?
