My first day!

What a day! My first day to be exact at

My new office has a cardboard David Tennant, how could I not love it there? Had a great first day at my new job, here’s what I worked on:

I won’t be doing this every day so you’re going to have to pay attention to my Twitter (or go to on your own!) to keep up on on my writing. Needless to say, things may be a little slow on good ol’ Has Boobs, Reads Comics and elsewhere until I can get the hang of my new workload/schedule and I really do apologize for that. It’s a big change for me but as I said, and can safely say after day one, I am very excited for it. Thanks for sticking with me and for all the support you’ve been throwing my way, it means a lot.

And with that, I’m going to pass out and do it all over again tomorrow. :)

3 Responses to “My first day!”

  1. The Nerd says:

    So jealous. But I am glad your first day was a good one.

  2. Amber Love says:

    Happy to hear your first day went really well!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Congrates :-) You will always rock in anything you write. You have been one of the most intelligent, interesting, insightful, and inspiring (I totally was going on a run with "I" words there LOL) people I have ever had the privilege to meet through Twitter. I'll still keep following your work on whatever site you work on especially when it comes to movies & comics or just plain silliness which is what I'm all about!!! As one artist to another I will always cheer you on. ~ Smiles @Tweek_Robles