A Roundup of My Latest Videos and Articles for HitFix Harpy!


Didn’t catch all my other work this week? Here’s a nifty roundup post for you! The Killing Joke, Ghostbusters toys, Agent Carter, and more!

Here’s my regular articles from HitFix Harpy:

And my latest She Said/She Said videos:

If you’re ever looking for something from me at HitFix you can always click on my byline there which takes you to my author page with everything I’ve done. The videos will normally be under Donna’s byline so if you don’t catch me posting them daily on Twitter or Facebook (new banner photo there!), look out for them there (or here). We have a few less again because of SDCC and we may have less next week as well while we fix up some tech stuff.

If you enjoy my content here and the curation of nerdy things I provide via my social media accounts (all linked to at the top of the site), please considering becoming a Patron for $2 or more a month, ($2 a month is just $24 a year for all my content) it makes a huge difference to me! You can check out a fancy intro video about what this all means here. Hint: I may be shaving my head soon and posting a video of that event for patrons… (*cough*Sunday*cough*)

I’ve also set up a PayPal page for those who may not be able to swing a monthly donation but can chip in here and there. As always, shares on social media of any of my work is greatly appreciated!!

6 Responses to “A Roundup of My Latest Videos and Articles for HitFix Harpy!”

  1. the silver ravens says:

    I am also really glad Charlie Hunnam is not returning there was just something about his voice that rubbed me the wrong way. i hate that opening dialog he has at the beginning of Pacific Rim and i cringe every time i hear it. i wish Idris Ebla voiced it

    • princess jabba says:

      love that movie and totally agree! it kinda goes with the cheesiness of it all (i guess) but i will def not miss him, and john boyega seems like a perfect fit

  2. Jess_Witt says:

    Agent Carter will live on somehow. We know her worth.

  3. That Which Dreams says:

    I refuse to read the Black Panther spoilers.

    • They don’t feel like spoilers to me, likely stuff that will be revealed by Marvel as we go along anyway. But totally understandable wanting to go in fresh if you can!