The Nerdy Bird is the word.

You all know I’ve been writing and hosting for Newsarama for a while now. Turns out I’m going to be taking on even more work for them. (I’m obviously insane.) Say hello to the newest contributor to Blog@Newsarama!

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with Blog@ but it’s sort of a separate entity from the main site in that content can be posted immediately and we have our own voice. I’ll be posting there daily from now on and instead of linking to all the stories here each day I’ll probably do a link round-up on Fridays. But don’t wait until then! Check out Blog@ every day to see what sort of trouble I’m getting into. :)

Most of you already know me pretty well but my first post on Blog@ is an introduction, first date style. Check it out!

2 Responses to “The Nerdy Bird is the word.”

  1. Michael says:

    That's awesome Jill!!! Very excited for you, even if the workload does drive you insane lol.

  2. Nam Do says:

    Has Boobs, Reads Comics, LOL! Looking forward to your Tweets and Blog@ posts!