Nerdy Bird News!

It’s been a while, folks. How are ya? Hopefully you’ve been following my work at where I post multiple times daily. If not, I give you a big sad face. But I’ve got some news to share! You can soon read my work at a new venue…

Tada! I told you some big news was on the way. After New York Comic Con, you can find my comic book column on! It’s a move I’m very excited about and who knows? You may even see more of me on there than just Hey, That’s My Cape!

Meanwhile, you can catch me at NYCC next weekend. The Mary Sue is hosting a party on Friday, October 12, and I’ll be on several panels! 

  • Friday 9pm-10pm – The Psychology of Cosplay with Andrea Letamendi, Bill Doran, Holly Conrad, Jenna Busch, Robin Rosenberg. Room 1A01
  • Saturday 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm – Geek Thoughts: Top Blogs Discuss Writing About Science Fiction, Fantasy and Fandom with Cyriaque Lamar, Heidi McDonald, Jamie Frevele, Rich Johnston, Ryan Britt. Room 1A01
  • Saturday 6:30 pm-7:30 – Ladies of Womanthology with Anya Martin, Ashley Lentini , Bonnie Burton, Ceili Conway, Ma’at Crook, Rachel Pandich, Tanja Wooten. Room 1A01  
  • Sunday 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm – GeekMoms: Raising Young Padawans with Amy Kraft, Corrina Lawson, Kristen Rutherford, Nicole Wakelin, Rebecca Angel. Room 1A01. I’ll be moderating this one!!
As usual, you can always stop me to say hello on the show floor and Saturday night I’ll be at the Geek Girls Network party! 

2 Responses to “Nerdy Bird News!”

  1. Congratulations! Hope to see you at CCNY –

  2. Congratulations! Hope to see you at CCNY