So you can afford that extra turkey leg.

It’s almost Thanksgiving. That means it’s time to start thinking about turkey legs. Giant turkey legs to be exact.

Photo by: V. Brando
I just got an email letting me know the New York Renaissance Faire is having their annual Holiday special getting you the first chance at tickets for next years mirth and merriment. Of course it doesn’t start until August 1st but their “Holidazzle Ticket Sale” gives you a full 50% off the ticket prices. The sale is going on now through January 5, 2009 so if you know for sure you’re gonna attend it’s a great opportunity.
I missed this past year but I’ve been many times and it’s always a blast. Now if I can only get them to bring back the damn spinach pies we’ll be set.

2 Responses to “So you can afford that extra turkey leg.”

  1. Randy says:

    Whoops! Don’t know why my name was left off.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Chicago has a Ren Faire. Other than the giant turkey legs, I’m not a big fan of them.