So, you don’t like Twilight…

It’s ok, I won’t hold it against you. Much. I know sparkly vampires aren’t everyones cup of tea but right now those of you in the anti-Twilight camp must be feeling pretty overwhelmed. It seems as if Stephenie Meyers’ saga has taken over the country…nay! The world! Everywhere you turn there’s shirtless boys and swooning girls (women). A quick google search will have you believing there is no other kind of twilight out there. Kinda brainwash-scary when you think about it. To help cope with the frenzy this weekend here are 5 OTHER Twilights You Should Know (And Love).

5. The Twilight Zone

It’s the most obvious (or at least it should be) so let’s get it out of the way, shall we? The classic series brought to us by Mr. Rod Serling originally aired from 1959-1964 and still freaks people out to this day. The show spawned a few movies and inspired countless artists, writers and musicians. It’s even got it’s own theme park attraction. The actual term “twilight zone” was around before the series and basically refers to a gray area, which is funny when you think about it. I wonder what The Twilight Zone thinks about slipping to #2 in the twilight-name popularity contest? Perhaps like it’s lost somewhere in…the Twilight Zone.

4. Twilight Time

“Deep in the dark your kiss will thrill me, like days of old. Lighting the spark of love that fills me, with dreams untold.” First recorded in 1944, it was The Platters version of “Twilight Time” that really hit it big in 1958. Stephen King actually used it as inspiration for his story “Heavenly Shades of Night are Falling” in 1999. It’s always been one of my favorite songs, and I can thank my parents musical tastes for that, but it took on a whole new meaning for me when it was used in the X-Files episode “Kill Switch.” That Chris Carter really knew how to take oldies and turn them into creepies.

3. Twilight in comics

This being a comic book blog and all I figured it’d be nice to spotlight the numerous Twilights that happen to exist in the fiction universe. And yes, there are A LOT. Making an appearance in the Justice League of America recently is Twilight from the Shadow Cabinet. He may look like he belongs on Reading Rainbow but he’s actually a living portal to another dimension. In JLA’s recent Milestone event he kept the Flash busy for a few minutes running around inside him. That must have tickled. From Supergirl we’ve also got Twilight (Molly), two Marvel Twilight’s (X-Men 2099 and Lenore Fenzl), Image Comic’s Twilight (Linda Kendall), Top Cow’s Twilight Guardian and a new villain from Dark Horse called Twilight who takes on the role of Big Bad for Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8.

Of course in light of recent DC events I can’t leave out the “Emerald Twilight” arc of Green Lantern by Ron Marz. Hal Jordan flew off the handle like he never had before, killing Corps members and Guardians alike and becoming the being known as Parallax. But, most importantly, what did “Emerald Twilight” give us? Kyle Rayner.

2. Alexander Twilight

Who? Ok, time for a history lesson. Alexander Twilight was the first African American to receive a bachelor’s degree from an American college in 1823. Born in 1795, Twilight was also the first African America elected to public office as a state legislator in Vermont. During his life he served as a minister and taught for several years in New York. He was also responsible for the design of the first granite public building in Vermont, Athenian Hall. It’s purpose was to act as a dormitory for out of town students so they could get an education at the only secondary school in a two-county area. It, and a house he built for his family, still stand today. Not too shabby.

1. Twilight

Twilight: noun – The diffused light from the sky during the early evening or early morning when the sun is below the horizon and its light is refracted by the earth’s atmosphere.

There’s nothing better than the real thing. Except maybe vampires who play baseball.

12 Responses to “So, you don’t like Twilight…”

  1. Troy Hickman says:

    Loved this piece, and thanks for mentioning Twilight Guardian. Hey, I'm in the same breath as Rod Serling and the Platters! Well, maybe not the SAME breath…unless you can REALLY hold it for a long time, or you've mastered circular breathing or something…

  2. it pales in comparison to "true blood" …

    also may I recommend a totally un-twilight related twighlight themed book… "twilight" by wiliam gay


  3. Love this list. :D And you know how big of a Twilight fan I am.

    I particularly love your "nothing's better than" link at the bottom. Serious swoonage. ;)

  4. Thanks everyone. And…you're welcome. :)

  5. Actually Frank, I do have an email address listed. It's located at the bottom of every page. Just click on "Contact Me."

  6. Anonymous says:

    Good Job:) I saw new moon today and loved it, The media hoopla and random screaming girls make it a little hard to be a twilight fan sometimes ;) other than that the movie was relly good.

  7. Psychotronic says:

    I would add the Big Finish Doctor Who audio Project Twilight. :)

  8. William says:

    You *almost* got me to consider thinking about maybe picking up Season 8 someday, perhaps.

  9. d0nnatr0y says:

    Love this, Jill! I have to admit, after reading the first 2 books I fell pretty quickly into the anti camp, though I was able to enjoy the movie somewhat and will probably check out the New Moon movie. But being in the anti camp, I have been increasingly annoyed with all the Twilight fever.

    Thanks for attempting to remove the negative connotation the word "twilight" seems to have gathered thanks to Steph Meyers! :)

  10. Curt Russell says:

    I like the Twilight top 5. I'm not a fan movies/ books, but my oldest son is (thought his girlfriend thinks they are lame).