Speak, Nerd, and Enter!


Your place to talk about anything I’m not already covering on The Nerdy Bird! Have at it!

Anyone watching the Olympics? Couldn’t catch a lot since I work weekends now but I did record a bit so I could catch gymnastics action.

23 Responses to “Speak, Nerd, and Enter!”

  1. Wheelchair says:

    Went to a Renaissance fair today. Pushed myself around all day through the mud, gravel, and tree roots, so yay for being a strong independent wheelie who don’t need no TAB, but also OWWWW MY ARMS SO SO FREAKING SORE!!!

    • My pal invited me to our yearly ren-trek and I enthusiastically said yes and then remembered I work weekends now. Woops. Might be able to take a day later on but I can’t believe I totally forgot that was a thing.

      • Wheelchair says:

        With my new job I work second shift most Saturdays. At first I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal, until I went “but, but… comic-con and renfest and steampunk symposium! D: “

  2. Clinton says:

    Instead of having the Music Meister come on for the Supergirl/Flash musical event how about we have a Rent reunion?

  3. That Which Dreams says:

    Here’s a letter from former WB employee about what she thinks about the top executives there. For me it’s notable because she’s saying that the word is coming down already that Wonder Woman is…a hot mess.

  4. That Which Dreams says:

    Agents of SHIELD is keeping it up with the diverse casting. Parminder Nagra will have a multi-episode role this season.

  5. My bizness cards came in! Is anyone attending Boston Comic Con? I’ve got these to hand out just in case… https://twitter.com/AdamBlackhat/status/763501045083275266

    Makes the operation seem slightly less terrible.

  6. So, I went by that Daisy Ridley article and the First Order has apparently started farting on this site as much as they fart on TMS. That’s too bad. So, I still don’t have mind murder powers. Which is disappointing.

    Also, I ordered business cards from my webcomic and I’m posting the art from them this week. The artist I’m working with is amazing and I will sing her praises at every opportunity. Also, plug plug, she has a commissions page on the comic site now, so…

  7. Wheelchair says:

    I posted this over at The Mother Ship, but in case people missed it here’s my modified version of Tyler Hoechlin’s costume on Supergirl. I cleaned up the unnecessary seams, smoothed out the boots, adjusted the cape fasteners, modified the belt, “shaved” off his five-o’clock shadow, and added the classic curl and trunks. (And if you already saw my previous versions, this is a higher res one where I cleaned up the rough edits on the belt and cape fasteners and added a belt loop.) http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/19/26/10/09/supes10.jpg
    Hey look, without even photoshopping on extra muscle mass he actually looks like freaking Superman! **stares pointedly at DC costume department**

  8. The Marvel Legends fan choice poll is finally up. The options are Songbird, Typhoid Mary, Citizen V, & White Rabbit. https://www.facebook.com/Marvel/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10154319815357488

  9. lev36 says:

    I’ve finally succumbed to the (latest) Monster That Ate Tumblr and have started watching Steven Universe. It ain’t bad.

  10. I achieved the rank of Guest Star Matt on my latest collaboreview (not all my portmanteaus can be winners) of Suicide Squad with The Wages of Cinema. https://mattthecatania.wordpress.com/2016/08/05/suicide-squad-wont-make-you-want-to-kill-yourself/